Coma and Remote State Directive


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The COMA AND REMOTE STATE DIRECTIVE is a legal document; an advance directive, also known as a living will. The intention of this document is to implement your wishes if you are ever concerned with communication and decision making durIng confusion, delirium, stupor, coma, vegetative state, depression, catatonia, dementia, and other remote states of altered consciousness.

This document helps ensure that you receive verbal and nonverbal support for your awareness of spiritual, physical, emotional, and cognitive experiences; and that you are facilitated in making your own decisions while you are in remote states of consciousness.

We advise you to inform your durable power of attorney for healthcare, family, friends, guardians, spiritual advisors, therapists, lawyers, physicians, healthcare facilities, and others about your wishes set forth in this document.

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Contact author Stan Tomandl at 250-592-4928 in Victoria, B.C., Canada

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