Classes & News from Stan Tomandl & Ann Jacob
2016 – 2017 Trainings with Ann Jacob and Stan Tomandl
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September 2016 – May 2017
We teach this international course with Marlis Beier, MD + Kevin Dieter, MD
Registration: Sacred Art of Living Center. Maryhelen. 541.383.4179
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Grief and Growth through End of Life Transition
September, October, November 2016
Internationally available monthly telephone conference training + supervision class
Registration: Process Work Institute. Meghan. 503.223.8188
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Using Your Presence: Communicating with People in States of Delirium, Depression: : Dementia, & Coma Approaching End of Life
October 26, 2016
Registration: Nanaimo Community Hospice. Shannon. 250-591-8811
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Dementia, Delirium, Depression: Communicate-Create-Relate
January, February, March, 2017
Internationally available monthly telephone conference training + supervision class
Registration: Process Work Institute. Meghan. 503.223.8188
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Awareness, Power, and Process Oriented Activism to create & motivate empowered awareness
April, May, June, 2017
Internationally available monthly telephone conference training + supervision class
Registration: Process Work Institute. Meghan. 503.223.8188
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TELEPHONE CLASSES ~ for participation with people from around the earth:
Dates: 1/10, 2/14, 3/13, 2012 Time: Tuesdays; 12-2pm pst USA
Dates: 5/8, 6/12, 7/10 2012 Time: Tuesday; Time: 12-2pm pst USA
REGISTRATION: The Process Work Institute Graduate School: 503-223-8188
INQUIRIES: Ann.Stan 250-383-5677
The treasure of distance learning. One World.
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Year long training program
Place: Victoria, BC ~ Time: 5-7 pm
Inquiries & Registration: 250-383-5677
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INQUIRIES: Ann.Stan 250-383-5677
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CREATIVE BEGINNINGS. MAMOOK CHEE (Chinook Jargon). New patterns, New Opportunities.
Telephone Conference Class. Open to all Dates: 9/13, 10/11/8 2011 Tuesdays: Time: 12-2pm pt
Pierre Morin, MD; Ingrid Rose, PhD; Stan Tomandl, MA, Ann Jacob; B.Ed
July 5 – 8, 2011 ~ 10am-5pm
Process Work Institute, Portland Oregon
Early Registration: $430 ~ After June 10: $470
To Register: Process Work Institute: 503.223.8188 ~ pwi@processwork.org
For Information: Ann & Stan: 250.383.5677 ~ annstan@comacommunication.com<>
As caregivers we have the chance of connecting with people who are
differently responsive, by following verbal and nonverbal minimal
cues, and being cognizant of our own inner spiritual states. We can
help facilitate people, families, and medical systems around
processes at end of life, coma, dementia, delirium, vegetative state,
and memory loss. By using minimal cues and deeply positive attitudes,
we can to enhance relationship with our loved ones, family members,
and patients. Our heartful presence helps relieve guilt and grief,
and gives the gift of greater engagement and meaning, during the
poignant moments found in profound and joyful stages of our living
and dying.
Learn practical tools to engage with the shifting of palliative care
from focusing primarily on the body to caring for the whole person –
spirit, mind, and body. This shift offers hope and advocacy for a new
ethical sensitivity, which recognizes meaningful processes throughout
out-of-the-ordinary experience. This course addresses issues relevant
to working with patients, families, caregivers, and the medical
systems involved in patient care.
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Background Conflict Facilitation: What Works — What Doesn’t
Telephone Conference Class: through Process Work Graduate School
Stan Tomandl, MA assisted by Ann Jacob, BEd
Tuesdays, May 10, June 14 and July 12, 10am-12pm
Cost: $120
How do process oriented conflict facilitators operate when
we are not designated facilitators in: work situations,
community meetings, and in family gatherings? We will
discuss the lessons we’ve learned the hard way and from
our mentors: when and how to do inner work; attitudes and
metaskills; and how to act without attracting blame or
taking credit for facilitating hotspots and resolution.
Distance Learning ~ Teleconference only
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CONTACT:Ann Jacob & Stan Tomandl 250.383.5677
TO BE PLACED ON OUR MAILING LIST write annstan@comacommunication.com
Thank You!
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FORGETFULNESS AND DEPRESSION ~ Early and Midstage Dementia
Phone classes starting again in January.
Learning from the comfort and convenience of your own home.
Telephone conference training and consultation open to everyone.
Dates: January 11. February 8, March 8, 2011
Time: 10-12 pacific time zone
Price: $120
Registration is with the Process Work Institute
503.223.8188 pwi@processwork.org
Help for families, friends, and caregivers who work and live with,
and learn from folks in states of forgetfulness. Beneath the
difficulties and grief of memory loss can be: deep love, spiritual
seeking overdue retirement; definitive divorce; detachment from
family and friends; social activism; creative expression, and more.
New resource: An Alheimer’s Surprise Party:Prequel, co authored by
Tom Richards and Stan Tomandl helps open unexplored areas of meaning,
purpose, and relationship for people in early and midstage
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BUILDING BRIDGES: Communication and Connection Near Death
Process Work Institute Summer Graduate Program.
Date: July 5-8, 2011
Place: Portland, Oregon
Information: Ann & Stan 250.383.5677
Registration is with the Process Work Institute
503.223.8188 pwi@processwork.org
CEU’s available
We can connect with people who are in different states of
consciousness, who thus respond differently, by following verbal and
nonverbal minimal cues. States like these are most often found in
people: at end of life, in coma, dementia, delirium, vegetative
state, or with memory loss. By using minimal cues, we are able to
enhance relationship with our loved ones, family members, and
patients. This work’s heartful presence, helps relieve guilt and
grief, and gives the gift of greater engagement and meaning, during
the poignant moments found in altered and profound stages of life and
Learn more about shifting the field of palliative care from focusing
primarily on the body to caring for the whole person – mind, body,
and spirit. This shift offers hope and advocacy for a new ethical
sensitivity, which recognizes meaningful processes throughout
out-of-the-ordinary experience. This course addresses issues relevant
to working with patients, families, caregivers, and the medical
systems involved in patient care.
Faculty: Stan Tomandl, MA & Ann Jacob B.Ed. Ingrid Rose, PhD.
Dr. Pierre Morin
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Coma Communication: Healing the Unconscious
with the Anamcara Project and Sacred Art of Living and Dying
Information: Ann & Stan 250.383.5677
Registration: www.sacredartofliving.org
PLACEBOS OR NOCEBOS: The Use, Misuse, and Overuse of Medications in Palliative Care (Telephone conference training and supervision class)
Tuesdays 10:00 am to 12:00 pm noon pct
September 14, October 12, November 09, 2010
Cost: $120.00 US
Information: 250.383.5677 ~ annstan@comacommunication
Registration: 503.223.8188 ~ pwi@processwork.org
~ Join us for an in depth exploration of the physical, ethical, political, and financial sides of placebos and nocebos; and process oriented methods to deal with all these facets of life:
Hello again dear colleagues and friends; we hope this finds you summering beautifully in the northern hemisphere or wintering beautifully in the southern hemisphere.
Ann and I are still (even more) excited to offer a class series on a very difficult and essential issue for our elders and many others: the use, misuse, and overuse of medications. Elders in care homes are taking on average 12 meds. In our experience with clients and our own
families, some of these drugs are necessary; some may not be; some may be harmful. Some meds were necessary for a time, and then only complicate patients’ symptom pictures when not necessary anymore. Sometimes side effects cancel or even overshadow benefits of
medications. Ann and her sister worked very hard to reduce their mother’s everyday meds to two, with other medications given on an occasional as needed basis, with tremendous results for awareness and communication, relationship and love.
We will also offer case consultation and coaching for any and all situations around palliative care, as we have in past classes.
Summer blessings,
Stan & Ann
Placebos or Nocebos?
Process Oriented Palliative Care & Medications
How are elders and others in palliative care situations affected by
off label psychotropic drug prescriptions? How effective are the
three main Alzheimer’s drugs? Are our care facilities administering
placebo drugs (I will please.) that turn into nocebos (I will harm.)?
What can we do to boost resident centered care in care home
situations? How can process oriented palliative care augment usual
fee for service medicine in our nursing homes and hospices?
Stan Tomandl, MA, PWD, Ann Jacob, B.Ed
educators ~ counsellors ~ process work ~ following somatic wisdom
***specializing in working, learning and teaching about altered consciousness
that comes during life’s joys, grief, creativity, illness,
trauma, memory loss,
remote states, delirium, coma and other tender and strong
moments in our
living and dying***
Coma Communication ~ Process Oriented Facilitation
#502-620 View Street Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 1J6
250.383.5677 annstan@comacommunication.com
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“The purpose of life is to know the divine, to be with it and connect
it somehow with other humans, so love is something that organizes
everything we do. Love means openness to all states of consciousness.
Love means openness to a person in the midst of dreaming and coma.” ~
Arnold Mindell Ph.D, author of Coma: Key to Awakening